Winter Display tree #1
Here’s a Beech tree that is ready for the Winter Display on 4/12/10. I’ll post a few more over the next few days.
Winter Demo Trees
As we start to prepare trees for the Winter demo on December 4th I thought I would share some photos of the trees that will be styled in the demo. First up is a Juniperus Squamata collected from a garden. Some carving has been done and it’s now ready for it’s first styling. Next up…
Good Night – New Faces
Just back from our November Meeting. It was great to see the enthusiasm of the members after last weekend’s workshop. We had 3 first timers with us and they all helped out with some of the work being done by members. Here’s a few snaps from early on. I was so busy, I forgot to…
Japanese Maple in Autumn colour
It seems to have been a good year for Autumn colour in Northern Ireland. Here is a little Maple just reaching it’s peak. Here’s a short video clip to give a full 360 degrees view
Taking Oxycodone and relaxing
Phew! What a hectic weekend. Peter Snart of Willowbog Bonsai arrived late on Friday night and after some frantic unpacking of trees and pots we were ready to receive boarders. Peter started off by talking through some of the trees with the workshoppers. Wisdom imparted he moved on to give direction on the selected trees.…