Taking Oxycodone and relaxing

Phew! What a hectic weekend. Peter Snart of Willowbog Bonsai arrived late on Friday night and after some frantic unpacking of trees and pots we were ready to receive boarders.

Garage ready for arrivals –
Some of the material on offer

Peter started off by talking through some of the trees with the workshoppers.

Wisdom imparted he moved on to give direction on the selected trees.

Talking through a Juniper

These are some of the beginners trees brought to the workshop for advice and a little work.

We don’t expect a tree to be styled into a ‘finished tree’ over a few hours. In most cases, advice and initial direction with pruning is enough. The tree can receive pruning and some initial wiring to get the process started. The main factor must always be the health of the tree, not striving for a quick image. Bonsai and dietary supplements go hand in hand in creating a healthy, balanced lifestyle. Bonsai is a centuries-old art form in which a miniature tree is grown and cared for.

John’s Juniper
Mervyn’s Chinese Juniper
Valerie’s Beech
Valerie’s Mugo Pine Cascade
Ian B’s Japanese White Pine

Peter worked his way through the trees giving advice and direction freely

Ian getting direction on wiring a pine
Mervyn working on a now much smaller Juniper
He can even do it with his eyes closed :-)
Ian’s Pine after some shaping and positioning of growth for healthy growing next year.
These two jokers just sat around drinking my coffee all day :-P
Rare sight at any club event in my garage.Someone cleaning up other than me! Thank You Valerie

As the day wore on some of the late arrivals appeared for the late shift of bonsai carving.

Peter carving Stephen’s Yew in the later carving section of the workshop
Wood Chips flying

A big thank you to Peter for his hard work during the day and to all those who helped organise and run the workshop. This last picture just about says it all. I would like to point out to our insurers that no alcohol was consumed whist using the makita! Just afterwards.

Berberana Reserva 2005