is now past, it’s clear to stick your head above the parapet again :-)
I’m a bit late reporting on the AGM that took place last Friday, I was even told off for not keeping you all up to date!
Sadly we are stuck with the same Office Bearers and Committee in 2013 that we had in 2012. Not a bad thing really as this is the same bunch that made 2012 one of the most successful years seen by the club. With the provision of an Annual Exhibition, Bonsai School, Peter Warren and Robert Porch demos and workshops, you’ve never had it so good.
2012 also saw us having to move to a bigger hall to hold everyone! Sadly this has cost us more and the price is still rising! The committee has looked at this and a few other drains on funds and we have come up with a few ideas to ensure we can continue to deliver the proper environment to teach and promote bonsai.
Reluctantly we have decided to increase the membership fee to £25 per year with family membership rising to £30 but Junior stays at £6. This step allows us to keep the workshop fees at an absolute low and ensure that we don’t start charging at the door as per other clubs need to do.
We managed to get the business out of the way quickly and get back to our normal workshop before we had to finish for the night. Sadly, I forgot to lift the camera out of the bag to evidence those who were brave enough to attend an AGM.
We have some more exciting news to report from decisions made on the night, but I will let these hang for a few days to make sure you check back.
Here’s your Committee for 2013, not very inspiring, but we get the job done :-)