Sunday’s Workshop Review

The workshop started at 10am with 7 members taking part and a few extra hands available if required. Some of the participants had also attended the School on Saturday and were keen to get some repotting done.

The day started off with Peter talking through the trees that were going to be the focus of the workshop.

This is an important part of the workshop. Everyone gets to learn from everyone else’s bonsai.

Next, Peter started to get work started on the trees. In most cases this was repotting but in a few cases this was pruning and styling.

Mario and his maple

Geraldine and her Zelkova getting repotted
A rare shot of Jamie listening and not talking :-)
Smile for the camera
Pure concentration
Valerie itching to get started
Gathering around to see John's Juniper getting repotted.
Wouldn't be complete without the clown :-)
Extreme camera angle

Here’s a few of the before and after photos, most are after repotting.

John's White Pine before
and after repotting
Valeries Larch Group before pruning
and after

Close Up
John's Juniper before repotting
and after
Geraldine's Zelkova before repotting
and after
Harry's Chinese Elm before repotting
Chinese Elm after
Jamie's Larch before
and after repotting and a pruning leaving only the necessary branches

and a few others trees there for advice.

Valerie's Maple
Mario's Juniper
Mario's Jasmine