Our meeting last Friday was our AGM and the committee for 2014 is now finalised. Some changes have taken place and we now look forward to our plans for 2014.
Ian Young
Graham Houston
Kris Stoker
Ian Bridgett
Phil Donnelly
Stephen Dodds
Ben Follis
Michael Harper
Alan McManus
The following will be co-opted onto the committee in January as per our constitution:
Ben Bovis
Adrian McStraw
Brendan McClean
I’d like to thank our outgoing committee members for all their support, especially Roy, Davy and John who have stood down.
Also in January we will be re-establishing the offices of Show Convenor and Vice Chair which will be filled from the members of the committee.
And a big welcome to the committee for Michael, Alan, Kris and Ben B.
You will be pleased to hear that the membership fee will be staying the same £25 single, £30 Family, £6 Junior.
It’s been a busy and very successful year for the Society and with a strong committee in place for 2014 I can see good things ahead for the club.
Merry Christmas to all our blog followers, see you in the new year with information about our plans for 2014.
A few photos from Friday night, thanks for these Kris, I forgot my camera!